Animals in the Hospital - Vocabulary Review

Matching exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.

1. Learning a foreign language is a _______________ but rewarding process.
2. Howard's wife has been _______________ recently, so I don't think they'll be able to come to the party.
3. Her sister was her constant _______________ for the last few months before she died.
4. Children need constant _______________ in order develop their self-esteem.
5. My sister is undergoing _______________ to help her overcome her fear of the dark.
6. Grandpa always likes to _______________ about the old days after he's had a couple of drinks.
7. She is _______________ to quit her job and travel around Europe for a year.
8. Our old cat used to like to sit on my _______________ while I read in the evenings.
9. Why don't you _______________ up your stuff while I get the car warmed up?
10. The cat was sitting in the tree, _______________ and spitting at the dog below.
11. The tsunami was _______________ by an earthquake at sea.
12. Firemen had to evacuate the elderly _______________ of a local nursing home after smoke was seen coming from one of the rooms.
13. Daphne became quite _______________ after she was fired from her job at the department store.
14. The hiker became frightened when he heard a _______________ coming from the bushes.
15. Two people were killed, and a dozen others _______________ when a bus ran off the road in the rain over the weekend.
16. When I was dusting the furniture, I _______________ broke my wife's favourite lamp.
17. My grandfather helped _______________ this company over 75 years ago.
18. The police are looking for people who may have _______________ a traffic accident which occurred yesterday at Douglas and Yates.
19. My son _______________ his finger in the gate, and had to get a couple of stitches.
20. The little girl got scratched by the cat when she tried to _______________ it.