General English Vocabulary


General English: Word Categories

Exercises by Category

All Adjectives: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


All Adjectives: Exercises



Arts, Entertainment & Literature: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


Arts, Entertainment & Literature: Exercises


Crime & the Law: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


Crime & the Law: Exercises



Feelings, Qualities & States: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


Feelings, Qualities & States: Exercises



Food & Eating: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


Food & Eating: Exercises


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Health & the Body: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


Health & the Body: Exercises



The World of Money & Work: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


The World of Money & Work: Exercises



The Natural World: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


The Natural World: Exercises



Lots of Nouns (with Derivations): List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


Lots of Nouns (with Derivations): Exercises



Nouns? Verbs? Both! With Derivations!: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


Nouns? Verbs? Both! With Derivations!: Exercises



Phrasal Verbs: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.
*Please note that many phrasal verbs have multiple meanings. These exercises cover one meaning of each phrasal verb only.


Phrasal Verbs: Exercises


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The Political World: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


The Political World: Exercises



Basic Science & Academia: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


Basic Science & Academia: Exercises



The Social World: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


The Social World: Exercises



Structures, Places & Object: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


Structure, Places & Objects: Exercises



Transitions: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


Transitions: Exercises



Verbs, Verbs & More Verbs: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


Verbs, Verbs & More Verbs: Exercises


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War, Violence & Conflict: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below.


War, Violence & Conflict: Exercises



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